Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

“Cadee and I are heading over to the building place to see how they are coming along with the blue prints.” Said Nancy as she puts on her coat. “OK, we will watch over the boys until you return.” Said Ed as he plays with them. Nancy smiles and she leaves.

“We need to do something special for Nancy. She keeps going like this. Helping out people as well.” Said Ed. Diane nods her head in agreement, “I agree as well. I know vampires don’t get worn down. She wills if she keeps this up.” Said Diane. “I agree maybe a web site explaining how vampires can be nice?” asks Henry. Cindy nods her head no, “I don’t think that will work. Some vampires don’t want to be expose.” Said Cindy. Ed nods his head in agreement. “I don’t think Cadee nor Nancy has pick out the furniture yet. I know the colors she has pick out. Let’s get it for them.” Said Ed.

“That is a good idea. I sure don’t want to leave Brandon or the twins alone.” Said Cindy a bit worried. “I will stay with them.” Said Diane. Cindy smiles “Thanks, Diane. We shouldn’t be long.” Said Cindy as she and the others get ready to leave. “OK, if you are not back I will let Nancy know you went out. I won’t tell her why.” Replies Diane.


“I am glad that is done.” Said Ed as they return from the store. Diane hears them. “Any luck?” she asks. Cindy nods her head yes. “It is already ordered and paid for. Once the building is done they will have the furniture.” Said Cindy. Few minutes later Nancy arrives back. “I am back.” Said Nancy. Ed comes over and gives her a big kiss. “How did it go?” Ed asks as they walk into the living room. Nancy explains what the new Vampire Spa will look like.

“Wow, it sounds so wonderful.” Said Diane. Nancy nods her head in agreement. “How is Brandon doing?” Nancy asks. Diane answers, “ Pretty good, still sleeping.” Nancy was amazed at what she heard. “I am going to check on him. Same with Jimmy and Mack.” Said Nancy as she heads upstairs. Few minutes later Brandon and Nancy returns with Jimmy and Mack.

“I sure didn’t want to get up.” Said Brandon. Nancy smiles as she puts down Mack. “How long wills it to take them to build the new Vampire Spa?” Diane asks. Nancy explains how long it will take. “Please excuse me.” Said Nancy as she rushes to the bathroom. Cindy smiles as she plays with Jimmy and Mack.


Suddenly the phone rings. Cindy answers the phone. She talks for a few minutes. Ed sees Cindy’s face. “What is it?” he asks her after she hangs up the phone. Cindy explains about the phone call. “That is weird, I never heard of that person.” Said Nancy as she heads towards the computer to search on the person. After a few minutes later she has found what she is looking for.

Nancy isn’t too happy what she has found. “This person is totally against vampires. He says vampires will ruin the earth with the devil.” Nancy reads on the computer. Everyone is shocked to hear this. “Is there anything else there?” asks Ed as he listens. Nancy nods her head yes and continues reading, “They destroyed my family by killing them. I will hunt everyone of them down and kill them.”

“I don’t think all the other vampires out there will kill people for food.” Said Brandon as he listens as well. “There are vampires does hunt humans or vampires.” Said Nancy a bit worried. “I wonder if he will listen to reason?” asks Henry as he listens as well. “ He gave me a number to call him.” Said Cindy as she sits down. “If are going to meet him let’s do it in a public place, I don’t want my sons to hear any of this.” Said Nancy as she plays with her sons after she left the computer.

“Good idea, I will go with you Nancy I don’t want you do this on your own.” Said Ed as he plays with his sons as well. Nancy nods her in agreement. “I will make the call to him and make the meeting place.” Said Cindy as she heads over to the phone.

(At the meeting place.)

Nancy and Ed arrive at the meeting place. “I hope we can talk him and hope he understands some vampires aren’t mean to humans.” Said Ed as he watches people walking by. Nancy nods her head in agreement as she watches them as well. Nancy notices a man walking towards them. “Are you Nancy and Ed?” asks the man as he stops in front of them. “Yes we are. I am Nancy and this is Ed.” Said Nancy.

“Nice to meet you I am Phil.” Said Phil as he studies Nancy and Ed. They stand there for a few minutes in award silence. “I am curious why you called us today?” Asks Nancy as she breaks the silence. Phil explains to him when he was still a teenager. Nancy and Ed is shocked to hear this. “I am sorry about your loss Phil, there are vampires out there will hunt humans like that. There are some that will leave humans alone. I refuse to bite to get food.” Said Nancy. Phil was shocked to hear what Nancy said. “You mean some vampires wants to be left alone?” Phil asks them.

“Yes, all they want is peace. There are some vampires that will hunt both humans and other vampires.” Said Nancy. Phil looks at Nancy and Ed “I probably got the bad impression about vampires.” Said Phil. “There is can be justice for the vampire that killed your parents, even thou we are vampires we still have to follow the rules.” Said Nancy.

Phil is still in shock what he heard. “I know this vampire it out there. I know what he looks like as well.” Said Phil. Nancy is shocked to hear this. “Have you gone to the police about it?” She asks Phil. Phil shakes his head no, “I didn’t know if they will believe me or not.” He said.

“We better tell them in case he is still out there.” Said Nancy. Phil looks not too sure about that. Ed sees how nervous Phil is, “He is a murder, he wont stop killing people at all. Think about the other families out there that might lose some they love from this murder.” Said Ed. Phil looks at Ed with surprise and replies, “OK. Let’s do it.” As they start walking to the police station.


They all leave the police station “I don’t believe this. They believed my story.” Said Phil. Nancy smiles “They still treat us with respect even thou we are different creatures from them.” Said Nancy. “It will take awhile for them to catch this vampire.” Said Ed. Phil nods his head in agreement “I better get going and I will fix that website I made about the vampires. I am truly sorry about that.” Said Phil as he leaves Nancy and Ed. Nancy watches Phil leave, “He is a brave boy, I am not too sure if the police can catch this vampire.” Said Nancy. Ed looks at her in puzzlement and asks, “What do you mean?” Nancy explains what she has heard about this vampire. Ed is totally in shock. “I hope Phil takes is easy now, I hope this vampire doesn’t come after him now.” Said Ed. Nancy nods her head yes, “Before we head home, let’s stop at Jimmy’s grave, I am sure Jimmy can do something.” Said Nancy. Ed smiles and they both walk back their car to head over to Jimmy’s grave.